Delphi 2005的新特性第一部分(英中对照)

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Borland Delphi 2005 Splash Screen

Borland Delphi 2005启动画面

1.         Introduction


Borland Delphi 2005 is the latest version of Borland Delphi, offering Rapid Application Development for the Microsoft Windows Operating System and the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1. with both the Delphi language (for Win32 and .NET 1.1) and C# (for .NET 1.1 only).

Borland Delphi 2005是Borland Delphi的最新版本,它是一个集成了Delphi语言(for Win32 and .NET 1.1)和C#语言C# (for .NET 1.1 only)的面向微软操作系统及微软.NET开台的快速开发平台。


Product Overview


Delphi 2005 can be seen as having three different personalities: a Win32 personality using the Delphi language (where Delphi 2005 is the successor of Borland Delphi 7), and two .NET personalities: one using Delphi as language (the successor of Borland Delphi 8 for the Microsoft .NET Framework), and the other using C# as language. With respect to the latter personality, Delphi 2005 is the upgrade from Borland C#Builder 1.0.

Delphi 2005 可以被认为有三个不同的特性:一是WIN32的Delphi语言开发(作为Borland Delphi 7的继承者),以及两个.NET特性:一个是使用Delphi语言(作为Borland Delphi 8 .NET的继承者)和另一个是C#语言。考虑到C#开发,Delphi 2005 担当了从C#Builder 1.0升级的角色。

As a result, Delphi 2005 is the next step for current Borland Delphi 3 through 8 and Borland C#Builder developers for rapid application development (RAD) on Win32 as well as the .NET Framework.

因此,Delphi 2005 既是为当前Borland Delphi 3到Borland Delphi 8开发者也是为Borland C#Builder开发者提供的一个WIN32及.NET快速开发平台。


Key Features


[Feel free to suggest others/changes!]


- Support for three different personalities: Delphi for Win32, Delphi for .NET and C# all from within one development (and debugging) environment.

- 支持三种不同的开发特性:将WIN32的Delphi,.NET的Delphi及C#开发全部集成到一个开发及调试环境下。

- Easy migration of Win32 applications to .NET within the same development environment.

- 在同一平台下,轻松地将WIN32应用移值到.NET应用。

- Support for the Delphi language with several enhancements like multi-unit namespaces, for ... in ... do loops, inline functions and other code optimisations.

- 支持Delphi语言几个独自新增的内部函数和其他代码规则,如:多单元命名空间,for ... in ... do loops等。

- Support for WinForms, ASP.NET Web Forms as well as Borland's own VCL framework on .NET, and VCL for Win32 with visual designers to build applications the RAD way.

- 支持WinForms,ASP.NET Web 窗体以及Borland独自拥有的VCL for .NET和VCL for Win32开视化开发RAD的方法。

- Support for heterogeneous database access (using any ADO.NET Data Adapter – not just BdpDataAdapter) as well as multi-tier database applications with new DataSync, DataHub, RemoteServer and RemoteConnection components.

- 支持多种数据库存取(使用ADO.NET数据对象而不仅仅是BdpDataAdapter)以及使用新的DataSync,DataHub,RemoteServer 和RemoteConnection 组件开发多层数据库应用。

- Support for refactoring to restructure your source code, increasing the maintainability and chances of successful reuse.

- 支持重构源代码,增强了代码的可维护性和代码的重用性。

- Support for unit testing with DUnit and NUnit, using the extreme unit-test framework in Delphi for Win32, Delphi for .NET and C# projects to increase the quality of your code.

- 支持使用DUnit和NUnit进行单元测试,使用极端的测试方法来提高Delphi for WIN32,Delphi for .NET和C#工程的代码质量。

- Support for Enterprise Core Objects II - a UML compliant Object Model Framework and Object Persistence, with support for databases through the Borland Data Provider, and now also available for ASP.NET.

- 支持企业Core对象II – 一个UM适应对象模型框架和对象永续模型。支持使用Borland Data Provider数据库,现在同样适用于ASP.NET。

- Support for ASP.NET with DB Web controls to facilitate the design, implementation and deployment of powerful data-driven Web applications.

- 支持使用ASP.NET 使用DB Web控件帮助设计,开发及配置强大的Web 数据库应用程序。

- Support for version and team development, with a special backup and history view of your project files, plus optional integration with StarTeam.

- 支持个人和团队开发,使用一个专用的文件备份和历史记录来查看工程文件,使用StarTeam进行随意的扩展和组合。

- Support for integration with J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) or CORBA servers with the Janeva solution for Delphi for .NET and C# applications.

- 支持在Delphi .NET和C#应用中集成J2EE EJB或带有Janeva的CORBA服务器解决方案。

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