Office Component Suite FAQ
Last Updated Friday January 03, 2003
Q1. How do I open an Excel application, workbook, worksheet?
Q2. How do I close an Excel application?
Q3. How do I specify a range of cells?
Q4. How do I set cell values?
Q5. How do I access directly Excel application COM object?
Q6. How do I access directly Excel workbook COM object?
Q7. How do I access directly Excel worksheet COM object?
Q8. How do I access directly Excel range COM object?
Q9. How do I access directly Excel chart COM object?
Q10. How do I display note indicators?
Q11. How do I print a worksheet?
Q12. How do I copy content and format of cells?
Q13. How do I set cell borders?
Q14. How do I set cell font?
Q15. How do I find and replace some text?
Q16. How do I close Excel Worksheet?
Q17. How do I save the specified Word document in HTML format?
Q18. How do I insert the current page number at the begining of each line?
Q19. How do I specify a workbook name?
Q20. How do I specify a worksheet name?
Q21. How do I draw a line in Excel worksheet?
Q22. How do I place a picture into worksheet?
Q23. How do I open a password protected workbook? New!!!
Q24. How do I add a table in the word document? New!!!
Q1. How do I open an Excel application, workbook, worksheet?
ExcelApplication.Active := True; // opens Excel application
ExcelWorkbook.Parent := ExcelApplication;
ExcelWorkbook.WorkbookName := 'C:\MyFile.xls';
ExcelWorkbook.Active := True; // opens Excel workbook
ExcelWorksheet.Parent := ExcelWorkbook;
ExcelWorksheet.WorksheetName := 'MySheet';
ExcelWorksheet.Active := True; // opens Excel worksheet
Q2. How do I close an Excel application?
ExcelApplication.Active := False;
Q3. How do I specify a range of cells?
ExcelRange.Range := 'B3'; // one cell selected
ExcelRange.Range := 'A1:B2'; // four cells A1, A2, B1, B2 selected
Q4. How do I set cell values?
ExcelRange.Formula := 3; // integer constant
ExcelRange.Formula := 'Hello, world!'; // string constant
ExcelRange.Formula := '=SUM(B1:B5)'; // formula specification
Q5. How do I access directly Excel application COM object?
use ExcelApplication property:
with ExcelApplication1.ExcelApplication.ActiveCell do
ShowMessage(IntToStr(Row) + ':' + IntToStr(Column)); // shows active cell position
Q6. How do I access directly Excel workbook COM object?
use ExcelWorkbook property:
ShowMessage(ExcelWorkbook1.ExcelWorkbook.Windows[1].Caption); // shows workbook window caption
Q7. How do I access directly Excel worksheet COM object?
use ExcelWorksheet property:
ShowMessage(IntToStr(ExcelWorksheet1.ExcelWorksheet.Comments.Count)); // shows numer of worksheet comments
Q8. How do I access directly Excel range COM object?
use ExcelRange property:
ShowMessage(IntToStr(ExcelRange1.ExcelRange.Rows.Count)); // shows numer of range rows
Q9. How do I access directly Excel chart COM object?
use ExcelChart property:
ShowMessage(ExcelChart1.ExcelChart.ChartTitle[0].Text); // shows chart title
Q10. How do I display note indicators?
ExcelApplication.DisplayNoteIndicators := True;
Note indicators are small dots in upper-right corner of cell. They display cell tips for cells containing notes.
Q11. How do I print a worksheet?
EmptyParam, // from
EmptyParam, // to
EmptyParam, // copies
True, // preview
EmptyParam, // active printer
EmptyParam, // print to file
EmptyParam, // collate
EmptyParam); // file name for print to file
Q12. How do I copy content and format of cells?
ExcelRange.FillDown; // takes content and format of cells from top row of range and fills other rows from top to bottom
ExcelRange.FillUp; // takes content and format of cells from bottom row of range and fills other rows from bottom to top
ExcelRange.FillRight; // takes content and format of cells from left column of range and fills other columns from left to right
ExcelRange.FillLeft; // takes content and format of cells from right column of range and fills other columns from right to left
Q13. How do I set cell borders?
with ExcelRange.ExcelRange.Borders do
Color := clNavy; // navy color
LineStyle := xlDouble; // double style
applicable line styles are: xlContinuous, xlDash, xlDashDot, xlDashDotDot, xlDot, xlDouble, xlSlantDashDot and xlLineStyleNone
Q14. How do I set cell font?
with ExcelRange.ExcelRange.Font do
Name := 'Terminal';
Color := clBlue;
Size := 12;
Italic := False;
Bold := True;
Q15. How do I find and replace some text?
varQ16. How do I close Excel Worksheet?
ExcelWorkBook1.Close(False, // save changesQ17. How do I save the specified Word document in HTML format?
varQ18. How do I insert the current page number at the begining of each line?
with WordDocument1.WordDocument.Paragraphs doQ19. How do I specify a workbook name?
ExcelWorkbook1.SaveAs('MyWorkbook.xls', EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam,Q20. How do I specify a worksheet name?
ExcelWorksheet1.ExcelWorksheet.Name := 'MyWorksheet';Q21. How do I draw a line in Excel worksheet?
// draw line from (10, 10) to (300, 300)Q22. How do I place a picture into worksheet?
ExcelWorksheet1.ExcelWorksheet.Shapes.AddPicture(Q23. How do I open a password protected workbook?
ExcelApplication1.ExcelApplication.Workbooks.Open(Q24. How do I add a table in the word document?
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