
类别:Delphi 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

8. The Jedi Common Support Unit

unit JediUtil; {==========================================================} { Jedi Common Support Unit } {==========================================================} interface USES WinTypes, WinProcs; {----------------------------------------------------------} { Function JediCheckInstanceHandle } { } { Parameter: } { } { hInst: Instance Handle } { } { Returns-Value: } { TRUE if the handle is valid, FALSE if not } {----------------------------------------------------------} Function JediCheckInstanceHandle (hInst: THandle): Boolean; implementation Function JediCheckInstanceHandle (hInst: THandle): Boolean; begin {$IFNDEF WIN32} Result := hInst > HINSTANCE_ERROR; {$ELSE} Result := hInst <> 0; {$ENDIF} end; end. 终于贴完了!!
