ADO Recordset 持久化 格式 XML 读取 保存

类别:Asp 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

<!-- METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->
Class DataSet
  Private Recordset
  Public TableName, FieldCount
  Public XmlString

  Private TableMap

  Private Sub Class_Initialize   ' 设置 Initialize 事件。
    Set Recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    Recordset.ActiveConnection = "Provider=MSDAOSP; Data Source=Msxml2.DSOControl;"
  End Sub

  Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' 设置 Terminate 事件。
    Set Recordset = Nothing
  End Sub

  Function ReadXml(Name, filespec)
    TableName = Name
  End Function

  Function GetXml()
    Call GetTableMap()
    Do While not Recordset.Eof
      XmlString = XmlString + GetXmlRow(Recordset.Fields)
    XmlString = XmlRow(TableName, XmlString)
    GetXml = XmlString
  End Function

  Sub GetTableMap()
    IF (not Recordset.Eof) Then
      FieldCount = Recordset.Fields.Count - 2
      Execute("ReDim TableMap("& FieldCount &")")
      For i = 0 To FieldCount
        TableMap(i) = Recordset.Fields.Item(i).Name
    End IF
  End Sub

  Function GetXmlRow(Item)
    Dim XmlRowString
    For i = 0 To FieldCount
      XmlRowString = XmlRowString + XmlField(TableMap(i), Item(i).Value)
    GetXmlRow = XmlRow("Row", XmlRowString)
  End Function
  Function XMlEncode(XmlString)
    XmlString = Replace(XmlString, "<", "&lt;")
    XmlString = Replace(XmlString, ">", "&gt;")
    XMlEnCode = XmlString
  End Function

  Function XmlField(NodeName, NodeValue)
    XmlField = "<"+ NodeName +">"+ XMlEncode(NodeValue) +"</"+ NodeName +">"
  End Function

  Function XmlRow(NodeName, NodeValue)
    XmlRow = "<"+ NodeName +">"+ NodeValue +"</"+ NodeName +">"
  End Function

End Class

Dim ds : Set ds = new DataSet
Call ds.ReadXml( "News", Server.MapPath("news.xml") )

Response.ContentType = "text/xml"

Set ds = Nothing
