This class corresponds to the IIsWebService IIS Admin object, and contains the read-write properties for the object.
MethodsThis object has no methods.
PropertiesThe IIsWebServiceSetting (WMI) object has the following properties.
AccessExecute Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessFlags Data type: SINT32See AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessNoRemoteExecute Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessNoRemoteRead Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessNoRemoteScript Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessNoRemoteWrite Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessRead Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessScript Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSource Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSL Data type: BooleanSee AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSL128 Data type: BooleanSee AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSLFlags Data type: SINT32See AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSLMapCert Data type: BooleanSee AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSLNegotiateCert Data type: BooleanSee AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessSSLRequireCert Data type: BooleanSee AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AccessWrite Data type: BooleanSee AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AdminACLBin[] Data type: array of uint8See AdminACLBin in the Metabase Property Reference.
AdminServer Data type: StringSee AdminServer in the Metabase Property Reference.
AllowKeepAlive Data type: BooleanSee AllowKeepAlive in the Metabase Property Reference.
AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings Data type: BooleanSee AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings in the Metabase Property Reference.
AnonymousPasswordSync Data type: BooleanSee AnonymousPasswordSync in the Metabase Property Reference.
AnonymousUserName Data type: StringSee AnonymousUserName in the Metabase Property Reference.
AnonymousUserPass Data type: StringSee AnonymousUserPass in the Metabase Property Reference.
AppAllowClientDebug Data type: BooleanSee AppAllowClientDebug in the Metabase Property Reference.
AppAllowDebugging Data type: BooleanSee AppAllowDebugging in the Metabase Property Reference.
AppFriendlyName Data type: StringSee AppFriendlyName in the Metabase Property Reference.
ApplicationDependencies[] Data type: array of ApplicationDependencySee ApplicationDependencies in the Metabase Property Reference.
AppPoolId Data type: StringSee AppPoolId in the Metabase Property Reference.
AppWamClsid Data type: StringSee AppWamClsid in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspAllowOutOfProcComponents Data type: BooleanSee AspAllowOutOfProcComponents in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspAllowSessionState Data type: BooleanSee AspAllowSessionState in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspAppServiceFlags Data type: SINT32See AspAppServiceFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspBufferingLimit Data type: SINT32See AspBufferingLimit in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspBufferingOn Data type: BooleanSee AspBufferingOn in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspCalcLineNumber Data type: BooleanSee AspCalcLineNumber in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspCodepage Data type: SINT32See AspCodepage in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspDiskTemplateCacheDirectory Data type: StringSee AspDiskTemplateCacheDirectory in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableApplicationRestart Data type: BooleanSee AspEnableApplicationRestart in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableAspHtmlFallback Data type: BooleanSee AspEnableAspHtmlFallback in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableChunkedEncoding Data type: BooleanSee AspEnableChunkedEncoding in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableParentPaths Data type: BooleanSee AspEnableParentPaths in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableSxs Data type: BooleanSee AspAppServiceFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableTracker Data type: BooleanSee AspAppServiceFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspEnableTypelibCache Data type: BooleanSee AspEnableTypelibCache in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspErrorsToNTLog Data type: BooleanSee AspErrorsToNTLog in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspExceptionCatchEnable Data type: BooleanSee AspExceptionCatchEnable in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspExecuteInMTA Data type: SINT32See AspExecuteInMTA in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspKeepSessionIDSecure Data type: SINT32See AspKeepSessionIDSecure in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspLCID Data type: SINT32See AspLCID in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspLogErrorRequests Data type: BooleanSee AspLogErrorRequests in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspMaxDiskTemplateCacheFiles Data type: SINT32See AspMaxDiskTemplateCacheFiles in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed Data type: SINT32See AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspPartitionID Data type: StringSee AspPartitionID in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspProcessorThreadMax Data type: SINT32See AspProcessorThreadMax in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspQueueConnectionTestTime Data type: SINT32See AspQueueConnectionTestTime in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspQueueTimeout Data type: SINT32See AspQueueTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspRequestQueueMax Data type: SINT32See AspRequestQueueMax in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspRunOnEndAnonymously Data type: BooleanSee AspRunOnEndAnonymously in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptEngineCacheMax Data type: SINT32See AspScriptEngineCacheMax in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptErrorMessage Data type: StringSee AspScriptErrorMessage in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser Data type: BooleanSee AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptFileCacheSize Data type: SINT32See AspScriptFileCacheSize in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptLanguage Data type: StringSee AspScriptLanguage in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspScriptTimeout Data type: SINT32See AspScriptTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspSessionMax Data type: SINT32See AspSessionMax in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspSessionTimeout Data type: SINT32See AspSessionTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspSxsName Data type: StringSee AspSxsName in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspTrackThreadingModel Data type: BooleanSee AspTrackThreadingModel in the Metabase Property Reference.
AspUsePartition Data type: BooleanSee AspAppServiceFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthAdvNotifyDisable Data type: BooleanSee PasswordChangeFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthAnonymous Data type: BooleanSee AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthBasic Data type: BooleanSee AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthChangeDisable Data type: BooleanSee PasswordChangeFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthChangeUnsecure Data type: BooleanSee PasswordChangeFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthFlags Data type: SINT32See AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthMD5 Data type: BooleanSee AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthNTLM Data type: BooleanSee AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthPassport Data type: BooleanSee AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthPersistence Data type: SINT32See AuthPersistence in the Metabase Property Reference.
AuthPersistSingleRequest Data type: BooleanSee AuthPersistence in the Metabase Property Reference.
AzEnable Data type: BooleanSee AzEnable in the Metabase Property Reference.
AzImpersonationLevel Data type: SINT32See AzImpersonationLevel in the Metabase Property Reference.
AzScopeName Data type: StringSee AzScopeName in the Metabase Property Reference.
AzStoreName Data type: StringSee AzStoreName in the Metabase Property Reference.
CacheControlCustom Data type: StringSee CacheControlCustom in the Metabase Property Reference.
CacheControlMaxAge Data type: SINT32See CacheControlMaxAge in the Metabase Property Reference.
CacheControlNoCache Data type: BooleanSee CacheControlNoCache in the Metabase Property Reference.
CacheISAPI Data type: BooleanSee CacheISAPI in the Metabase Property Reference.
CentralbinaryLoggingEnabled Data type: BooleanSee CentralBinaryLoggingEnabled in the Metabase Property Reference.
CertCheckMode Data type: SINT32See CertCheckMode in the Metabase Property Reference.
CGITimeout Data type: SINT32See CGITimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
ConnectionTimeout Data type: SINT32See ConnectionTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
ContentIndexed Data type: BooleanSee ContentIndexed in the Metabase Property Reference.
CPUResetInterval Data type: SINT32See CPUResetInterval in the Metabase Property Reference.
CreateCGIWithNewConsole Data type: BooleanSee CreateCGIWithNewConsole in the Metabase Property Reference.
CreateProcessAsUser Data type: BooleanSee CreateProcessAsUser in the Metabase Property Reference.
DefaultDoc Data type: StringSee DefaultDoc in the Metabase Property Reference.
DefaultDocFooter Data type: StringSee DefaultDocFooter in the Metabase Property Reference.
DefaultLogonDomain Data type: StringSee DefaultLogonDomain in the Metabase Property Reference.
DemandStartThreshold Data type: SINT32See DemandStartThreshold in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseFlags Data type: SINT32See DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseShowDate Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseShowExtension Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseShowLongDate Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseShowSize Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirBrowseShowTime Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
DirectoryLevelsToScan Data type: SINT32See DirectoryLevelsToScan in the Metabase Property Reference.
DisableSocketPooling Data type: BooleanSee DisableSocketPooling in the Metabase Property Reference.
DoDynamicCompression Data type: BooleanSee DoDynamicCompression in the Metabase Property Reference.
DontLog Data type: BooleanSee DontLog in the Metabase Property Reference.
DoStaticCompression Data type: BooleanSee DoStaticCompression in the Metabase Property Reference.
DownlevelAdminInstance Data type: SINT32See DownlevelAdminInstance in the Metabase Property Reference.
EnableDefaultDoc Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
EnableDirBrowsing Data type: BooleanSee DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
EnableDocFooter Data type: BooleanSee EnableDocFooter in the Metabase Property Reference.
EnableReverseDns Data type: BooleanSee EnableReverseDns in the Metabase Property Reference.
HeaderWaitTimeout Data type: SINT32See HeaderWaitTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
HttpCustomHeaders[] Data type: array of HttpCustomHeaderSee HttpCustomHeaders in the Metabase Property Reference.
HttpErrors[] Data type: array of HttpErrorSee HttpErrors in the Metabase Property Reference.
HttpExpires Data type: StringSee HttpExpires in the Metabase Property Reference.
HttpPics[] Data type: array of StringSee HttpPics in the Metabase Property Reference.
IIs5IsolationModeEnabled Data type: BooleanSee IIs5IsolationModeEnabled in the Metabase Property Reference.
InProcessIsapiApps[] Data type: array of StringSee InProcessIsapiApps in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileBytesRecv Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileBytesSent Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileClientIp Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileComputerName Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileCookie Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileDate Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileFlags Data type: SINT32See LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileHost Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileHttpStatus Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileMethod Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileProtocolVersion Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileReferer Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileServerIp Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileServerPort Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileSiteName Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileTime Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileTimeTaken Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileUriQuery Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileUriStem Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileUserAgent Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileUserName Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogExtFileWin32Status Data type: BooleanSee LogExtFileFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogFileDirectory Data type: StringSee LogFileDirectory in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogFileLocaltimeRollover Data type: BooleanSee LogFileLocaltimeRollover in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogFilePeriod Data type: SINT32See LogFilePeriod in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogFileTruncateSize Data type: SINT32See LogFileTruncateSize in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogModuleList Data type: StringSee LogModuleList in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogOdbcDataSource Data type: StringSee LogOdbcDataSource in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogOdbcPassword Data type: StringSee LogOdbcPassword in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogOdbcTableName Data type: StringSee LogOdbcTableName in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogOdbcUserName Data type: StringSee LogOdbcUserName in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogonMethod Data type: SINT32See LogonMethod in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogPluginClsid Data type: StringSee LogPluginClsid in the Metabase Property Reference.
LogType Data type: SINT32See LogType in the Metabase Property Reference.
MaxBandwidth Data type: SINT32See MaxBandwidth in the Metabase Property Reference.
MaxConnections Data type: SINT32See MaxConnections in the Metabase Property Reference.
MaxEndpointConnections Data type: SINT32See MaxEndpointConnections in the Metabase Property Reference.
MaxGlobalBandwidth Data type: SINT32See MaxGlobalBandwidth in the Metabase Property Reference.
MaxRequestEntityAllowed Data type: SINT32See MaxRequestEntityAllowed in the Metabase Property Reference.
MimeMap[] Data type: array of MimeMapSee MimeMap in the Metabase Property Reference.
Name Data type: StringThe Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.
NTAuthenticationProviders Data type: StringSee NTAuthenticationProviders in the Metabase Property Reference.
PasswordCacheTTL Data type: SINT32See PasswordCacheTTL in the Metabase Property Reference.
PasswordChangeFlags Data type: SINT32See PasswordChangeFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.
PasswordExpirePrenotifyDays Data type: SINT32See PasswordExpirePrenotifyDays in the Metabase Property Reference.
PoolIdcTimeout Data type: SINT32See PoolIdcTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
ProcessNTCRIfLoggedOn Data type: BooleanSee ProcessNTCRIfLoggedOn in the Metabase Property Reference.
RapidFailProtectionInterval Data type: SINT32See RapidFailProtectionInterval in the Metabase Property Reference.
RapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes Data type: SINT32See RapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes in the Metabase Property Reference.
Realm Data type: StringSee Realm in the Metabase Property Reference.
RedirectHeaders Data type: StringSee RedirectHeaders in the Metabase Property Reference.
RevocationFreshnessTime Data type: SINT32See RevocationFreshnessTime in the Metabase Property Reference.
RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout Data type: SINT32See RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
ScriptMaps[] Data type: array of ScriptMapSee ScriptMaps in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerAutoStart Data type: BooleanSee ServerAutoStart in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerBindings[] Data type: array of ServerBindingSee ServerBindings in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerComment Data type: StringSee ServerComment in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerListenBacklog Data type: SINT32See ServerListenBacklog in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerListenTimeout Data type: SINT32See ServerListenTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.
ServerSize Data type: SINT32See ServerSize in the Metabase Property Reference.
ShutdownTimeLimit Data type: SINT32See ShutdownTimeLimit in the Metabase Property Reference.
SSIExecDisable Data type: BooleanSee SSIExecDisable in the Metabase Property Reference.
SSLStoreName Data type: StringSee SSLStoreName in the Metabase Property Reference.
SslUseDsMapper Data type: BooleanSee SslUseDsMapper in the Metabase Property Reference.
UploadReadAheadSize Data type: SINT32See UploadReadAheadSize in the Metabase Property Reference.
UseDigestSSP Data type: BooleanSee UseDigestSSP in the Metabase Property Reference.
WAMUserName Data type: StringSee WAMUserName in the Metabase Property Reference.
WAMUserPass Data type: StringSee WAMUserPass in the Metabase Property Reference.
WebSvcExtRestrictionList[] Data type: array of WebSvcExtRestrictionListSee WebSvcExtRestrictionList in the Metabase Property Reference.
RequirementsServer: Requires Windows Server 2003.
Product: IIS