
类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

// Referenced classes of package com.jspsmart.upload:
// SmartUploadException, SmartUpload

public class File

private SmartUpload m_parent;
private int m_startData;
private int m_endData;
private int m_size;
private String m_fieldname;
private String m_filename;
private String m_fileExt;
private String m_filePathName;
private String m_contentType;
private String m_contentDisp;
private String m_typeMime;
private String m_subTypeMime;
private String m_contentString;
private boolean m_isMissing;
public static final int SAVEAS_AUTO = 0;
public static final int SAVEAS_VIRTUAL = 1;
public static final int SAVEAS_PHYSICAL = 2;

m_startData = 0;
m_endData = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_fieldname = new String();
m_filename = new String();
m_fileExt = new String();
m_filePathName = new String();
m_contentType = new String();
m_contentDisp = new String();
m_typeMime = new String();
m_subTypeMime = new String();
m_contentString = new String();
m_isMissing = true;

public void saveAs(String s)
throws IOException, SmartUploadException
saveAs(s, 0);

public void saveAs(String s, int i)
throws IOException, SmartUploadException
String s1 = new String();
s1 = m_parent.getPhysicalPath(s, i);
if(s1 == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no specified destination file (1140).");
java.io.File file = new java.io.File(s1);
FileOutputStream fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(file);
fileoutputstream.write(m_parent.m_binArray, m_startData, m_size);
catch(IOException ioexception)
throw new SmartUploadException("File can't be saved (1120).");

public void fileToField(ResultSet resultset, String s)
throws ServletException, IOException, SmartUploadException, SQLException
long l = 0L;
int i = 0x10000;
int j = 0;
int k = m_startData;
if(resultset == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The RecordSet cannot be null (1145).");
if(s == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The columnName cannot be null (1150).");
if(s.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The columnName cannot be empty (1155).");
l = BigInteger.valueOf(m_size).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).longValue();
j = BigInteger.valueOf(m_size).mod(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).intValue();
for(int i1 = 1; (long)i1 < l; i1++)
resultset.updateBinaryStream(s, new ByteArrayInputStream(m_parent.m_binArray, k, i), i);
k = k != 0 ? k : 1;
k = i1 * i + m_startData;

if(j > 0)
resultset.updateBinaryStream(s, new ByteArrayInputStream(m_parent.m_binArray, k, j), j);
catch(SQLException sqlexception)
byte abyte0[] = new byte[m_size];
System.arraycopy(m_parent.m_binArray, m_startData, abyte0, 0, m_size);
resultset.updateBytes(s, abyte0);
catch(Exception exception)
throw new SmartUploadException("Unable to save file in the DataBase (1130).");

public boolean isMissing()
return m_isMissing;

public String getFieldName()
return m_fieldname;

public String getFileName()
return m_filename;

public String getFilePathName()
return m_filePathName;

public String getFileExt()
return m_fileExt;

public String getContentType()
return m_contentType;

public String getContentDisp()
return m_contentDisp;

public String getContentString()
String s = new String(m_parent.m_binArray, m_startData, m_size);
return s;

public String getTypeMIME()
throws IOException
return m_typeMime;

public String getSubTypeMIME()
return m_subTypeMime;

public int getSize()
return m_size;

protected int getStartData()
return m_startData;

protected int getEndData()
return m_endData;

protected void setParent(SmartUpload smartupload)
m_parent = smartupload;

protected void setStartData(int i)
m_startData = i;

protected void setEndData(int i)
m_endData = i;

protected void setSize(int i)
m_size = i;

protected void setIsMissing(boolean flag)
m_isMissing = flag;

protected void setFieldName(String s)
m_fieldname = s;

protected void setFileName(String s)
m_filename = s;

protected void setFilePathName(String s)
m_filePathName = s;

protected void setFileExt(String s)
m_fileExt = s;

protected void setContentType(String s)
m_contentType = s;

protected void setContentDisp(String s)
m_contentDisp = s;

protected void setTypeMIME(String s)
m_typeMime = s;

protected void setSubTypeMIME(String s)
m_subTypeMime = s;

public byte getBinaryData(int i)
if(m_startData + i > m_endData)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index Out of range (1115).");
if(m_startData + i <= m_endData)
return m_parent.m_binArray[m_startData + i];
return 0;
