2.创建名为BoxTest的测试代码: 文件名:
package smartsoft.daven; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class BoxTest extends TestCase{ public void test1(){ Box b = new Box(2,2); assertEquals(4,b.getArea()); } }
3.运行java:jar 目标,它将间接的调用java:compile,test:test两个目标
maven java:jar
C:\daven>maven jar java:prepare-filesystem: java:compile: [echo] Compiling to C:\daven/target/classes java:jar-resources: test:prepare-filesystem: test:test-resources: test:compile: [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\daven\target\test-classes test:test: [junit] dir attribute ignored if running same VM [junit] Running smartsoft.daven.BoxTest [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 10 seconds 资源库组织jar文件
Maven's Repository Organizes Jar Files
Most projects use third-party libraries in the form of jar files. The repository is a special
Maven mechanism for organizing the jar files and other dependencies that your builds use.
(Maven also uses the term artifact to refer to dependencies.) The repository essentially is a
folder with a Maven-specified structure, and it solves two problems. First, it provides a central
location for all the jar files and other build dependencies you need to build your projects.
Second, it helps deal with version issues by proposing a naming convention. The following is the
structure of a Maven repository:
Or, more generally:
Thus, for kodo-1.1.jar, jdo is the groupId, jar is the type of dependency, kodo is the artifactId,
and 1.1 is the version. These elements will be represented in your POM.
Maven supports a local repository and a shared network repository. It first checks the local repository,
and if it doesn't find the jar file, it checks the shared repository. Maven caches jar files from the
shared directory in the local directory.
Determining Project Dependencies
Maven's repository feature is closely related to the way Maven deals with project dependencies.
In Ant, you have to create a classpath to indicate which jar files your project depends on,
while Maven uses the dependencies element in project.xml for that purpose.
Add a jar file dependency to your project to see how this works. Add the following block of
code to project.xml, below the currentVersion element but above the build element:
In order for this tag to work, the following jar file must exist:
Multiple goals use the dependency tag. For example, the compile goal uses it to generate
the classpath, and the deploy goal uses it to determine which jar files to copy.