Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2003年10月20日 17:25
>1.C++BuilderX是C++Builder 6的下一个版本吗?
就CBX目前的形态而言,它不是对BCB的替代,它并不是一个可视化的开发环境。它被发布的根本原因是,它到达了这样一个里程碑,对于非VCL,非可视化开发的庞大社群而言,它将是非常有用的。晚一些将会有RAD/可视化特性。如果你需要VCL/RAD的话,就继续使用BCB吧。由于 BCX包括BCB6的编译器与连接器,所以是可能在BCX中编译BCB项目的,如果你有BCB6,你就可以用它的二进制库。然而在这次的CBX版本中,你还不能编辑你的可视化
Re: Working with C++Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2003年10月20日 17:25
"Joe" <NOSPAM@NO.SPAM> wrote in message
> 1. Is C++ Builder X the successor of C++ Builder 6?
Yes, and no. Yes, in that it is the new C++ development product from this
point on. No, in that it does not belong to previous BCB product line. CBX
is a completely new product. The BCB product line, as it current stands,
ends with BCB6.
> 2. Where is the component toolbar?
It has not been implemented yet. The RAD features for CBX are still in
development, they will be included in a near-future release of CBX.
> 3. Where are the VCL classes?
There are none at this time.
> 4. Where is the GUI Designer?
There is none at this time, although I hear that there is a previous version
of a designer available for the new C++ framework that CBX is introducing.
The full version designer will be included in a near-future release of CBX.
> 5. Where is database connectivity?
There is none at this time.
In its current form, CBX is *not* a replacement for BCB, it is not a visual
development environment. The only reason it was released at all is because
it reached a point where it would be useful to a large community of non-VCL,
non-visual developers. The RAD/visual features will come later. If you
need VCL/RAD, then continue to use BCB. It is possible to compile BCB
projects in CBX, as it includes BCB6's compiler and linker, if you have BCB6
available as well so that you can use its library binaries. However, you
cannot edit your visual forms or data modules in CBX at this time. In the
meantime, Borland is currently working on releasing 2 Open Letters soon that
will explain Borland's plans for CBX and the future of the VCL in CBX.