把半年前写的一个例子拿来看,其中也是关于固定背景上面更新的内容,一运行不要紧,在moto i85s中能运行,但是总是不停提示出错,而在motorola j2me Launchpad中压根儿就不能运行,画面都没有出就开始报错。咋回事?!后来下载motorola A388手机倒是可以运行,但是软键exitCommand不能正确显示,每次都得强行退出。晕……
先把其它信息的更新注释掉,然后声明了一个Image,在构建器中把固定背景信息画到上面,然后每次在paint中调用drawImage,呵呵,成功,在i85s和388模拟器中都运行成功。然后开始在背景上画需要更新的信息,显示文本,ok,画线,也ok,但是在drawImage时出错,这个Image从一个图标文件得来,应该是immutable属性。难道问题在这里???me先看了看jar的包含信息,晕,居然没有包含这个图标文件。呵呵,怪不得!点选后,再次编译、运行,还是不行!还是老老实实看看api doc吧。下面是Canvas中paint函数的说明文档。
Renders the Canvas. The application must implement this method in order to paint any graphics.渲染画布。
The Graphics object's clip region defines the area of the screen that is considered to be invalid. A correctly-written paint() routine must paint every pixel within this region. Applications must not assume that they know the underlying source of the paint() call and use this assumption to paint only a subset of the pixels within the clip region. The reason is that this particular paint() call may have resulted from multiple repaint() requests, some of which may have been generated from outside the application. An application that paints only what it thinks is necessary to be painted may display incorrectly if the screen contents had been invalidated by, for example, an incoming telephone call.
Operations on this graphics object after the paint() call returns are undefined. Thus, the application must not cache this Graphics object for later use or use by another thread. It must only be used within the scope of this method.
The implementation may postpone visible effects of graphics operations until the end of the paint method.
The contents of the Canvas are never saved if it is hidden and then is made visible again. Thus, shortly after showNotify() is called, paint() will always be called with a Graphics object whose clip region specifies the entire displayable area of the Canvas. Applications must not rely on any contents being preserved from a previous occasion when the Canvas was current. This call to paint() will not necessarily occur before any other key, pointer, or commandAction() methods are called on the Canvas. Applications whose repaint recomputation is expensive may create an offscreen Image, paint into it, and then draw\ this image on the Canvas when paint() is called.
The application code must never call paint(); it is called only by the implementation.
The Graphics object passed to the paint() method has the following properties:
the destination is the actual display, or if double buffering is in effect, a back buffer for the display
the clip region includes at least one pixel within this Canvas
the current color is black
the font is the same as the font returned by Font.getDefaultFont()
the stroke style is SOLID
the origin of the coordinate system is located at the upper-left corner of the Canvas
the Canvas is visible, that is, a call to isShown() will return true
虽然没有发现能直接解决问题的内容,但也算有收获,比如在paint()中需要对整个画布进行重画。继续调试,用try catch把那个出问题的drawImage给包含起来,噢,能运行了,不过还是不停显示一堆错误,查阅api docs,出错有两种可能一种为IllegalArgumentException(if anchor is not a legal value),另外一种就是名声远扬的NullPointerException(if img is null)。哈哈,肯定是锚点的问题,因为me已经提前测试img了,确保是正确的。看看锚点出了什么问题,那句是这样的:
屏幕的闪动通过后台生成Image,然后在paint()中drawImage的方式进行解决,效果非常理想,呵呵,终于搞定了。不过在机器上测试的时候,显示出非常多的?出来,可能是motorola A388上带的字库没有电脑上模拟器中支持的大吧。算了,太困,觉觉去也……