Azureus beta 9
一个基于JAVA的多torrent下载程序,可以手动设置某个torrent的优先权,加入了irc聊天室,增加了一些基本的irc命令,可以看见在线人数和ID,支持多tracker url,对于多tracker发布的torrent可自动切换,并可以手动更改tracker url.
2005.01.xx | Azureus
FEATURE: Core | Client support for the 'trackerid' announce extension [Nolar]
FEATURE: Core | Client support for the 'min interval' announce extension [Nolar]
FEATURE: UI | Option to disable small fonts under OSX [Nolar]
FEATURE: Core | Added options to disable scrape entirely or just for non-running torrents [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Console support for aliases [Fatal]
FEATURE: Plug | Added local host configuration setting for statusmailer [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Reworked CSS for tracker web pages to create old and new styles [Gouss]
FEATURE: Plug | RSS Feed added to tracker web pages [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Tracker stats added to tracker web pages [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | RSS Feed parse APIs added to plugin interface [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Non-blocking sockets based TCP tracker implementation [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Torrent export option added to SWT UI [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Client identification plugin interface [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Keyboard shortcut parsing system [CrazyAlchemist]
CHANGE: Core | Smarter re-announce interval handling, especially for lopsided swarms [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Added many new peerid identifications [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | IPFilters loaded from static config file weren't working [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix re-announce interval bug when zero peers in swarm [Nolar]
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