
类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

# -*- coding: cp936 -*-

#   Written by caocao           #
#   [email protected]          #
#   http://nethermit.yeah.net   #

import sys
import re
import string

class CConvert:
 def __init__(self):
  "Load data table"
  except IOError:
   print "Can't load data from data.txt\nPlease make sure this file exists."
 def convert(self, strIn):
  "Convert GBK to PinYin"
  length, strOutKey, strOutValue, i=len(strIn), "", "", 0
  while i<length:
   if i==length-1:
    strOutKey+=strIn[i:i+1]+" "
    strOutValue+=strIn[i:i+1]+" "
   code1, code2=ord(strIn[i:i+1]), ord(strIn[i+1:i+2])
   if code1>=0x81 and code1<=0xFE and code2>=0x40 and code2<=0xFE and code2!=0x7F:
    if strLength<2:strLength=2
    strOutKey+=string.center(strIn[i:i+2], strLength)+" "
    strOutValue+=string.center(strTemp, strLength)+" "
    strOutKey+=strIn[i:i+1]+" "
    strOutValue+=strIn[i:i+1]+" "
  return [strOutValue, strOutKey]
 def getIndex(self, strIn):
  "Convert single GBK to PinYin from index"
  pos=re.search("^"+strIn+"([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", self.data, re.M)
  if pos==None:
   return strIn
   return pos.group(1)
