Is there a way to get indexed better by the search engines?
There is no single technique, but a number of factors can help.
* Search engines index the textual content of your site, so use a meaningful <TITLE>, use meaningful headings (<H1>, <H2>, and so on), and provide meaningful ALT text for images.
使用有含义的 title (网页标题)标签;使用有意义的 h1-h7 (标题)标签;给图片加上有意义的 alt 值。有几个问题说一下:很多人喜欢把自己的站点名写在前面,网页内容标题写在后面,这样不对,应该把站点名称写在后面或者不写。图片如果只是用来排版装饰,尽量以背景的形式出现,如果非要嵌入图片,请加入替换(alt)文字,如果实在没有写成 alt="" (中间没有空格,以便通过验证)
* Many search engines ignore frames, so avoid them, and be sure to provide useful NOFRAMES content if you do use them.
* Most search engines ignore image maps, forms, and JavaScript, so make sure that navigating your site doesn't depend on them. Provide normal links for site navigation.
* Avoid using META refresh, because many search engines penalize sites that use it (META refresh has been used to trick search engines).
不要使用 <meta http-equiv=refresh ...> ,因为有人曾经用它来作弊,搜索引擎会惩罚这样的站点。
* The indexing programs of some search engines (including AltaVista and Infoseek) will also take into account <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="..."> tags that appear in the <HEAD> part of your documents. However, META keywords have been used to trick search engines, so many will ignore your keywords list if you repeat a given keyword too often. At this writing, "too often" means "more than 7 times" to some popular engines, but that may change in the future as indexing programs are changed to defend against trickery.
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="..."> 这样的写法会被 AltaVista 和 Infoseek 这样的搜索引擎读取,但关键字不要重复太多。实际上我记得有文章说到,这些 meta 关键字之类的东西现在的搜索引擎根本不看。这就是不诚信的代价。
* If you include a <META NAME="description" CONTENT="..."> tag in the <HEAD> part of your documents, then some search engines will use the content of this tag as your site's description when displaying search results. This won't affect your ranking in searches, but it can help search engine users understand what your site offers when a search does find your site.
The CONTENT attribute of the META keywords and description tags may contain up to 1022 characters, but no markup other than entities.
You might want to preview your site with a text-only browser like Lynx, to get an idea of how your site appears to search engines. Search Engine Watch at <URL:http ://> is a Web site dedicated to search engines and strategies for Web page authors.
Finally, note that some search engines ignore sites hosted by well-known free hosting services. Other search engines index only a certain number of documents per server, so while early customers of free hosting services may be indexed, later customers may be ignored.