[译]Visual Basic 2005在语言上的增强(一)引言

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Visual Studio 2005 Beta版的发布,使你能够从它的新特性来更真切地窥探Visual Basic 2005了。在RTM(Release To Manufacture,涕淌注)发布之前,是不会有太多变化的。当然了,有些东西是注定要变的,但是你可以期待着最终的产品和Beta  1版本非常地相似。即便如此,我还是建议你不要在你的机器上安装Beta版,而是在Microsoft虚拟机镜像上的安全模式下运行它。

Visual Basic语言上主要的变化包括了My、XML注释,以及范型。在逻辑间隙中填充了不少新的语言注释,包括UsingContinueTryCast,及Global关键字。还有一些改进了结构的变化,包括了accessor(涕淌不知应该如何译,待补充)、自定义事件accessor、部分类型,和应用程序级别的事件。操作符重载和转变操作符也是新的变化,随之而来的还有IsNot操作符。其他有用的变化包括了无符号类型、窗体默认实例、编译器警告,以及显式的数组范围。

当你首次启动Visual Studio 2005时,会有信息提示你去选择一个自己喜欢的IDE设置。这些设置可以控制很多特性,诸如IDE关键字映射导航、窗体布局,以及在代码设计窗里的代码格式。正如图1所展示的那样,在任何时候你都可以到Tools | Import/Export Settings菜单项里修改你的设置。你还可在其他的编程语言中导入默认设置,也可导入你自定义的设置文件,这样的文件可以被所有你公司的开发人员使用。

图1 通过导入你自定义的设置来标准化你的公司的开发环境



The public Beta of Visual Studio 2005 brings you a stable preview of Visual Basic 2005 in which the new features have solidified to the point where few changes should occur before the RTM release. Some things are sure to change, of course, but you can expect the final product to look much like the Beta 1 preview. Even so, I recommend you don't install the Beta on a production machine, but rather run inside the safety of a Microsoft Virtual PC image.

Major changes to the Visual Basic language include My, XML comments, and generics. Several new language statements fill in logical gaps including Using, Continue, and TryCast, and the Global keyword. There are a number of structural improvements including changes to property accessor accessibility, custom event accessors, partial types, and application-level events. Operator overloading and conversion operators are new, along with the IsNot operator. Other useful changes include unsigned types, form default instances, compiler warnings, and explicit array bounds.

The first time you start Visual Studio 2005, you're prompted to select your preferred IDE settings. These settings control features such as IDE key mappings, window layouts, and code formatting in the code editor. You can change your settings at any time using the Tools | Import/Export Settings menu item as shown in Figure 1. You can import default settings for another programming language, or you can import custom settings files that all developers use in your company.

Figure 1. Import custom settings to standardize the development environment at your company
