If you want to write into webbrowser in windows form in C#, you have to make reference MSHTML library and use its interface to do so. The trick is, if you did this in ASP or Visual Basic, you can simply put
where wb is WebBrowser a object and sHtml is a string.
In .Net it works differently. You can create sample project in VB.6 and load it into VB.NET.
It would complains about bad type variable, but will compile and run (surprisingly, if just create such a VB.NET project from the scratch, it will complain and not compile!)
The following approach shows how to make that functionality with the right types.
Put into C# windows form
1. text box txt1 (System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)
2. Web Browser WBresult (AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser)
3. button to run the code
4. make reference to MSHTML library
5. add two functions: fillWeb (which does the real job) and redirectWeb(redirects to url, file, or clears)
6. on button click event function put fillWeb("
another line
");using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; using mshtml; // ... // here is the main functionality for web control to get/fill/redirect web content: private string getWeb() { string s = ""; try { object boxDoc = axWebBrowser1.Document; IHTMLDocument2 hDoc = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)boxDoc; s += hDoc.body.innerText; // or innerHtml return s; } catch(Exception exc) { s += exc.Message; return s; } finally { } } private void fillWeb(string sHTML) { redirectWeb("about:blank"); try { object[] psa = {sHTML};//could be:{"bold", "<i>italic</i>"}; IHTMLDocument2 hDoc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)axWebBrowser1.Document; hDoc2.write(psa); } catch(Exception exc) { txt1.Text = exc.Message; } } private void redirectWeb(string sUrl) { try { axWebBrowser1.Visible = true; axWebBrowser1.BringToFront(); // System.Object nullObject = 0; // System.Object nullObjStr = ""; // axWebBrowser1.Navigate(sUrl, ref nullObject, ref nullObjStr, ref nullObjStr, ref nullObjStr); Object n = null; axWebBrowser1.Navigate(sUrl, ref n, ref n, ref n, ref n); } catch(Exception exc) { txt1.Text = exc.Message; } }