CB非可视组件的消息处理技巧               一个非可视的组件必须对Windows操作系统或用户定义的消息作出响应。然而,由于一个非可视组件没有窗口,因此它也没有窗口句柄,自然它也不能接收到消息,为了解决这一问题,我们的思路是创建一个隐藏的窗口,使非可视组件能够接收到消息。   为了给你的非可视组件创建一个隐藏的窗口,需要有以下:   1.一个私有变量型(Private Va
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iczelion tut3
  第三课 创建简单的窗口 在本课中我们将写一个 Windows 程序,它会在桌面显示一个标准的窗口。 理论: Windows 程序中,在写图形用户界面时需要调用大量的标准 Windows Gui 函数。其实这对用户和程序员来说都有好处,对于用户,面对的是同一套标准的窗口,对这些窗口的操作都是一样的,所以使用不同的应用程序时无须重新学习操作。对程序员来说,这些 Gui 源
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iczelion tut31
Tutorial 31: Listview Control We will learn how to create and use the listview control in this tutorial.   Theory: A listview control is one of the common controls like treeview, richedit
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iczelion tut32
Tutorial 32: Multiple Document Interface (MDI) This tutorial shows you how to create MDI application. It's actually not too difficult to do. Theory: Multiple Document Interface (MDI) is a specific
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iczelion tut35
Tutorial 35: RichEdit Control: Syntax Hilighting Before reading this tutorial, let me warn you that it's a complicated subject: not suited for a beginner. This is the last in the richedit control tut
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iczelion tut1
Tutorial 1: The Basics This tutorial assumes that the reader knows how to use MASM. If you're not familiar with MASM, download win32asm.exe and study the text inside the package before going on w
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iczelion tut34
Tutorial 34: RichEdit Control: More Text Operations You'll learn more about text operations under RichEdit control. Specifically, you'll know how to search for/replace text, jumping to specific line
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iczelion tut33
Tutorial 33: RichEdit Control: Basics There are lots of request on tutorials about RichEdit controls. Finally I have played with it enough to think I can write tutorials about it. So here it is: the
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iczelion tut30
Tutorial 30: Win32 Debug API part 3 In this tutorial, we continue the exploration of win32 debug api. Specifically, we will learn how to trace the debuggee.Theory: If you have used a debugger befo
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iczelion tut26
Tutorial 26: Splash Screen Now that we know how to use a bitmap, we can progress to a more creative use of it. Splash screen. Download the example. TheoryA splash screen is a window that has no t
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iczelion tut4
  第四课 绘制文本 本课中,我们将学习如何在窗口的客户区“绘制”字符串。我们还将学习关于“设备环境”的概念。 理论: Windows 中的文本是一个GUI(图形用户界面)对象。每一个字符实际上是由许多的像素点组成,这些点在有笔画的地方显示出来,这样就会出现字符。这也是为什么我说“绘制”字符,而不是写字符。通常您都是在您应用程序的客户区“绘制”字符串(尽管您也可以在客户区
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iczelion tut5
  第五课 学习更多关于“绘制”文本串的知识 我们将做更多的实践去了解有关文本的诸多属性如字体和颜色等。 理论: Windows 的颜色系统是用RGB值来表示的,R 代表红色,G 代表绿色,B 代表兰色。如果您想指定一种颜色就必须给该颜色赋相关的 RGB 值,RGB 的取值范围都是从 0 到 255,譬如您想要得到纯红色,就必须对RGB赋值(255,0,0),纯白色是
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iczelion tut6
  第六课 处理键盘输入消息 在本课中,我们将要学习WINDOWS程序是如何处理键盘消息的。 理论: 因为大多数的PC只有一个键盘,所以所有运行中的WINDOWS程序必须共用它。WINDOWS 将负责把击键消息送到具有输入焦点的那个应用程序中去。尽管屏幕上可能同时有几个应用程序窗口,但一个时刻仅有一个窗口有输入焦点。有输入焦点的那个应用程序的标题条总是高亮度显示的。 实际
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iczelion tut8
  第八课 菜单 本课中我们将在我们的应用程序中加入一个菜单。 理论:菜单可以说是WINDOWS最重要的元素之一。有了它,用户可以方便地选择操作命令.用户只要细读一下所有的菜单项就可以明了应用程序所提供的大概功能,而且可以立即操作,无须去阅读手册了.正因为菜单给了用户一种方便的方式,所以您在应用程序中加入菜单时就要遵守一般的标准.譬如:一般头两个菜单项是"File"和"Edi
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iczelion tut12
Tutorial 12: Memory Management and File I/O We will learn the rudimentary of memory management and file i/o operation in this tutorial. In addition we'll use common dialog boxes as input-output dev
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iczelion tut1
  第一课 基本概念 我们先假设您已知道了如何使用MASM。如果您还不知道的话,请下载 win32asm.exe ,并请仔细研读其中所附带的文档资料。好,如果您已准备就绪,我们这就开始吧! 理论: WIN32 程序运行在保护模式下的,保护模式的历史可以追溯到 80286。而今 80286 已成为了历史。所以我们将只把精力集中于 80386 及后续的X86 系列 CPU。W
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iczelion tut13
Tutorial 13: Memory Mapped Files I'll show you what memory mapped files are and how to use them to your advantages. Using a memory mapped file is quite easy as you'll see in this tutorial. Downlo
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iczelion tut20
Tutorial 20: Window Subclassing In this tutorial, we will learn about window subclassing, what it is and how to use it to your advantage. Download the example here. Theory:If you program in Windo
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iczelion tut19
Tutorial 19: Tree View Control In this tutorial, we will learn how to use tree view control. Moreover, we will also learn how to do drag and drop under tree view control and how to use an image lis
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