iczelion tut18
Tutorial 18: Common Controls We will learn what common controls are and how to use them. This tutorial will be a quick introduction to them only. Download the example source code here. Theory:Win
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iczelion tut17
Tutorial 17: Dynamic Link Libraries In this tutorial, we will learn about DLLs , what are they and how to create them. You can download the example here.   Theory:If you program long enough,
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iczelion tut16
Tutorial 16: Event Object We will learn what an event object is and how to use it in a multithreaded program. Download the example here. Theory:From the previous tutorial, I demonstrated how th
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iczelion tut15
Tutorial 15: Multithreading Programming We will learn how to create a multithreading program in this tutorial. We also study the communication methods between the threads. Download the example he
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iczelion tut28
Tutorial 28: Win32 Debug API Part 1 In this tutorial, you'll learn what Win32 offers to developers regarding debugging primitives. You'll know how to debug a process when you're finished with this
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iczelion tut11
  第十一课 进一步学习对话框 本课中我们将进一步学习对话框。特别地我们将要探讨如何把对话框当成输入设备。如果您学习了上一课,那就会发现本课的例子只有少量的改动,就是把我们的对话框窗口附属到主窗口上。另外,我们还要学习通用对话框的用法。 理论:把对话框当成一个输入设备来用确实是非常地简单,创建完主窗口后,您只要调用函数 CreatedialogParam 或 DialogBo
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iczelion tut29
Tutorial 29: Win32 Debug API Part 2 We continue with the subject of win32 debug API. In this tutorial, we will learn how to modify the debuggee process. Theory: In the previous tutorial, we know
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iczelion tut10
  第十课 以对话框为主要界面的应用程序 现在我们开始学习一些有关GUI编程的有趣的部分, 即:以对话框为主要界面的应用程序。我们将分两课来讲述这一过程 理论:如果您仔细关注过前一个程序就会发现:您无法按TAB键从一个子窗口控件跳到另一个子窗口控件,要想转移的话只有 用鼠标一下一下地去点击。对用户来说这是不友好的。另一件事是如果您象前一课中那样把主窗口的背景色从白色改成 灰色
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iczelion tut22
Tutorial 22: Superclassing In this tutorial, we will learn about superclassing, what it is and what it is for. You will also learn how to provide Tab key navigation to the controls in your own wind
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iczelion tut23
Tutorial 23: Tray Icon In this tutorial, we will learn how to put icons into system tray and how to create/use a popup menu. Download the example here. Theory:System tray is the rectangular regio
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iczelion tut24
Tutorial 24: Windows Hooks We will learn about Windows hooks in this tutorial. Windows hooks are very powerful. With them, you can poke inside other processes and sometimes alter their behaviors. D
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iczelion tut25
Tutorial 25: Simple Bitmap In this tutorial, we will learn how to use bitmap in our program. To be exact, we will learn how to display a bitmap in the client area of our window. Download the exampl
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iczelion tut27
Tutorial 27: Tooltip Control We will learn about the tooltip control: What it is and how to create and use it. Theory:A tooltip is a small rectangular window that is displayed when the mouse poin
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iczelion tut14
We will learn what a process is and how to create and terminate it. Download the example here. Preliminary:What is a process? I quote this definition from Win32 API reference: "A process is an e
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iczelion Vxd tut5
  VxD Example: MessageBoxIn the previous tutorials, you learn about mechanics of VxD programming. Now is the time to apply what you have learned. In this tutorial, we will create a simple stat
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iczelion pe tut6
  Tutorial 6: Import Table We will learn about import table in this tutorial. Let me warn you first. This tutorial is a long and difficult one for those who aren't familiar with the import tabl
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iczelion pe tut7
  Tutorial 7: Export Table We have learned about one part of the dynamic linking, namely the import table, in the previous tutorial. Now we will learn about the other side of the coin, the expo
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iczelion pe tutcn1
  PE教程1: PE文件格式一览 考虑到早期写的PE教程1是自己所有教程中最糟糕的一篇,此番决心彻底重写一篇以飨读者。 PE 的意思就是 Portable Executable(可移植的执行体)。它是 Win32环境自身所带的执行体文件格式。它的一些特性继承自 Unix的 Coff (common object file format)文件格式。"portable executa
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iczelion pe tutcn2
  PE教程2: 检验PE文件的有效性 本教程中我们将学习如何检测给定文件是一有效PE文件。下载 范例 理论: 如何才能校验指定文件是否为一有效PE文件呢? 这个问题很难回答,完全取决于想要的精准程度。您可以检验PE文件格式里的各个数据结构,或者仅校验一些关键数据结构。大多数情况下,没有必要校验文件里的每一个数据结构,只要一些关键数据结构有效,我们就认为是有效的PE文件了。下面我
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iczelion pe tutcn3
  PE教程3: File Header (文件头) 本课我们将要研究 PE header 的 file header(文件头)部分。 至此,我们已经学到了哪些东东,先简要回顾一下: DOS MZ header 又命名为 IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.。其中只有两个域比较重要: e_magic 包含字符串"MZ",e_lfanew 包含PE header在文件中的偏移量。
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