走进Windows 2000 内部(一)

类别:VC语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

走进Windows 2000 内部(一)

       --Windows 源代码解读与发现



       首先,我们需要一个能访问内核内存的工具函数库.令我感到奇怪的是,user32大量的代码在Kernel Mode下运行.不过那是MS的事,先说说这个工具函数库.我用DDK构建的它.很简单.有两个功能地:读,写内核内存.


BOOL WriteSysMemroy(PVOID pAddr , PVOID pBuff , DWORD dwLen);

BOOL ReadSysMemroy(PVOID pBuff , PVOID pAddr , DWORD dwLen);





// 大部分都有注释,它们的意意慢慢说


typedef struct tagTHREADINFO



    //PTL             ptl;                // Listhead for thread lock list

// W32THREAD 和 PTL 是我所不知道的结构,通过SoftICE的帮助,我知道了它们的大小,


       PADDING(padding1 , 0x2c);                    

    PVOID               ppi;                // process info struct for this thread

                                                                      // type is PPROCESSINFO

       PVOID                  rpdesk;                            // type is PDESKTOP

    PDESKTOPINFO     pDeskInfo;          // Desktop info visible to client

                                                                      // type is PDESKTOPINFO

    PCLIENTINFO           pClientInfo;       // Client info stored in TEB

                                                                      // type is PCLIENTINFO

       DWORD           TIF_flags;          // TIF_ flags go here.

       PUNICODE_STRING pstrAppName;        // Application module name.

       PVOID           psmsSent;           // Most recent SMS this thread has sent

                                                                      // type is PSMS

    PVOID           psmsCurrent;        // Received SMS this thread is currently processing

                                                                      // type is PSMS


    PVOID           psmsReceiveList;    // SMSs to be processed

                                                                      // type is PSMS

       LONG            timeLast;           // Time, position, and ID of last message

    ULONG_PTR       idLast;

       int             cQuit;

    int             exitCode;

       HDESK           hdesk;              // Desktop handle

                                                                      // HDESK

    int             cPaintsReady;

    UINT            cTimersReady;

       PVOID                 pMenuState;                     // type is PMENUSTATE

       union {

        PVOID            ptdb;          // Win16Task Schedule data for WOW thread

                                                                      // type is PTDB

        PVOID                  pwinsta;        // Window station for SYSTEM thread



       PVOID                         psiiList;       // thread DDEML instance list

                                                                      // type is PSVR_INSTANCE_INFO

    DWORD           dwExpWinVer;

    DWORD           dwCompatFlags;      // The Win 3.1 Compat flags

    DWORD           dwCompatFlags2;     // new DWORD to extend compat flags for NT5+ features

       PVOID           pqAttach;           // calculation variabled used in

                                                                      // type is PQ

       // zzzAttachThreadInput()


    PTHREADINFO     ptiSibling;         // pointer to sibling thread info


    PVOID               pmsd;                            // type is PMOVESIZEDATA


    DWORD           fsHooks;            // WHF_ Flags for which hooks are installed


    PHOOK           sphkCurrent;        // Hook this thread is currently processing

                                                                      // type is PHOOK


    PVOID                  pSBTrack;                     // type is PSBTRACK


    HANDLE          hEventQueueClient;

    PVOID            pEventQueueServer;  // type is PKEVENT


    PVOID                 PtiLink;            // Link to other threads on desktop

                                                                      // type is LIST_ENTRY

    int             iCursorLevel;       // keep track of each thread's level


       PADDING(padding2 , 4);


       POINT           ptLast;


    PWND            spwndDefaultIme;            // Default IME Window for this thread

                                                                      // type is PWND


    PVOID           spDefaultImc;                      // Default input context for this thread

                                                                      // type is PIMC


    HANDLE          hklPrev;                       // Previous active keyboard layout

// type is HKL


    int             cEnterCount;


    MLIST           mlPost;             // posted message list.

    USHORT          fsChangeBitsRemoved;// Bits removed during PeekMessage

    WCHAR           wchInjected;        // character from last VK_PACKET

    DWORD           fsReserveKeys;      // Keys that must be sent to the active

       // active console window.

    PVOID                  *apEvent;           // Wait array for xxxPollAndWaitForSingleObject

                                                                      // type is PKEVENT

    ACCESS_MASK     amdesk;             // Granted desktop access


    UINT            cWindows;           // Number of windows owned by this thread

    UINT            cVisWindows;        // Number of visible windows on this thread


    PHOOK           aphkStart[CWINHOOKS];   // Hooks registered for this thread

                                                                             // type is PHOOK

    BYTE                    cti;                        // Use this when no desktop is available

                                                                      // type is CLIENTTHREADINFO







       PTHREADINFO pti = NULL;



              mov eax,fs:[00000018h]

              mov eax,[eax+40h]

       mov pti , eax ; 现在pti 保存的就是当前线程的THREADINFO.


       return  pti;






// 这个宏得到一个结构指针的成员地址

#define memaddr(p , s , m)          (PVOID) ( (DWORD ) p + offsetof(s , m) )




       PTHREADINFO pti = NtPtiCurrent();


       if (pti == NULL)

              return FALSE;


       DWORD TIF_flags;


       if (!ReadSysMemroy(

              &TIF_flags ,

              memaddr(pti , THREADINFO , TIF_flags) ,



              return FALSE;


       TIF_flags |= 0x20000000;


       return WriteSysMemroy(

              memaddr(pti , THREADINFO , TIF_flags) ,

              &TIF_flags ,



原理很简单,就是设了一个标志,告诉Windows Hook ,别来惹我

