
类别:VC语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


void main(void)


                    int i = 10;

                    printf("i: %d\n", i);


                    int i = 100;            /* This statement is fine since it is akin to defining

                                                                       a local function within the function. */

/* 此语句很精炼,


                    printf("i: %d\n", i);


                    printf("i: %d\n", i);


  代码清单 6 CRecentFileListEx()函数

class CRecentFileListEx : public CRecentFileList



    CRecentFileListEx(UINT nStart, LPCTSTR lpszSection,

        LPCTSTR lpszEntryFormat, int nSize,

        int nMaxDispLen = AFX_ABBREV_FILENAME_LEN): 

        CRecentFileList(nStart, lpszSection, lpszEntryFormat, nSize, nMaxDispLen)




    BOOL GetDisplayName(CString& strName, int nIndex,

        LPCTSTR lpszCurDir, int nCurDir, BOOL bAtLeastName = TRUE) const;



BOOL CRecentFileListDlgApp::InitInstance()




    LoadStdProfileSettings();  // Load standard INI file options (including MRU)

// 载入标准INI文件选项(包括MRU)

// Delete the m_pRecentFileList created in the LoadStdProfileSettings.

// 删除在LoadStdProfileSettings中创建的m_pRecentFileList。

    delete m_pRecentFileList;


    // The nSize argument of the constructor is set to four because the 

    // LoadStdProfileSettings takes a default of four.  If you specify a 

    // different value for the nMaxMRU argument you need to change the

// nSize argument for the constructor call.

// 因为LoadStdProfileSettings 取默认值4,所以构造器的nSize参数设置为4。

// 如果你为nMaxMRU参数指定不同的值,你需要为构造器呼叫而改变nSize参数。

    m_pRecentFileList = new CRecentFileListEx(0, FileSection, FileEntry, 4);




