My Adapter in C#

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using System;
class SimpleDrawer
 virtual public void SetColor(string name){}
//Adapter Class which enables class1 to use class2 methods
class AssistantDrawer:SimpleDrawer
 //use the Adaptee
 ProfessionalDrawer drawer = new ProfessionalDrawer();
 override public void SetColor(string name)
   case "white":drawer.SetColor(255,255,255);break;
   case "black":drawer.SetColor(0,0,0);break;
   default:Console.WriteLine("I haven't seen this color!");break;
class ProfessionalDrawer
 public void SetColor(int a,int b,int c)
  Console.WriteLine("set the color to RGB({0},{1},{2})",a,b,c);

class TestApp
 public static void Main(string []args)
  AssistantDrawer drawer=new AssistantDrawer();
