The Windows Programming Model-----messages
  Messages, Messages, and More Messages Where do messages come from, and what kinds of information do they convey? Windows defines hundreds of different message types. Most messages have names
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Introducing MFC
Introducing MFC MFC is the C++ class library Microsoft provides to place an object-oriented wrapper around the Windows API. Version 6 contains about 200 classes, some of which you'll use directly and
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MFC Application
Your First MFC Application It's time to build your first MFC application. And what better place to start than with one that displays "Hello, MFC" in a window? Based on the classic "Hello, world" prog
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MFC Application---The Frame Window Object
  The Frame Window Object MFC's CWnd class and its derivatives provide object-oriented interfaces to the window or windows an application creates. Hello's window class, CMainWindow, is derived
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吕 思 伟 ---- 潘 爱 民 :: ATL 介 绍( 四)
ATL 介 绍( 四) 吕 思 伟--潘 爱 民 (接 上 期) ---- 4. 编 译 连 接 应 用、 注 册COM 服 务 程 序 ---- 对ATL 工 程 的 编 译 连 接 过 程 包 括 下 面 的 几 个 步 骤: 使 用MIDL 编 译 工 程 的IDL 文 件, 形 成 接 口 定 义 的 头 文 件 和 用 于 调 度(Marshallin
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The Brush Origin
  The Brush Origin One attribute of a device context that you should be aware of when using dithered brush colors or hatch brushes is the brush origin. When Windows fills an area with a hatched
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PI已替你想好了一个间接办法,你可用一个“共享名”申请一块共享内存块,进行读写: HANDLE  GetShare(char * &ShareP,int size,char *ShareName)      {  ShareP申请的内存块地址,size字节数,ShareName共享名   
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The Mouse and the Keyboard
  The Mouse and the Keyboard If life were like the movies, traditional input devices would have given way long ago to speech-recognition units, 3D headsets, and other human-machine interface ga
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Getting Input from the Mouse
Getting Input from the Mouse Windows uses a number of different messages—more than 20 in all—to report input events involving the mouse. These messages fall into two rather broad categories: client-a
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  The WM_NCHITTEST Message Before a window receives a client-area or nonclient-area mouse message, it receives a WM_NCHITTEST message accompanied by the cursor's screen coordinates. Most applic
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Getting Input from the Keyboard
Getting Input from the Keyboard A Windows application learns of keyboard events the same way it learns about mouse events: through messages. A program receives a message whenever a key is pressed or
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怎样在IE工具栏上加入自己的工具 写一个COM程序,然后在注册表的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions下放你的程序的GUID项,IE就会自动添加这个按钮了。项下面的属性参考其他.  1.HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explor
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Moving the Origin
  Moving the Origin By default, a device context's origin is in the upper left corner of the display surface. Even if you change the mapping mode, the origin remains in the upper left corner. B
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VC6.0编译问题问:我用自己设计的类编了一个程序。当我在编译项中设置为debug编译时,程序运行一切正常,当为release时程序却出了问题.怎么会这样? 答:1)为什么你既建立线程又将一个类成员作为线程处理?这样的话谁来调用你的析构函数?你不能试图将文档视窗类中的成员作为线程,象这样: Ccapi::SomeFunction() { AfxBeginThread(static_cast(
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WINDOWS CE 数据库编程 1.创建数据库 VOID CDB::CreateDatabase(){    // =====================    // Create Login Database    // =====================  &nb
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传统的WINDOWS应用软件界面给人的感觉总是千篇一律的方方正正的窗体,看的时间长 了难免会有些厌烦,总是希望能见到些不同一般的软件界面。如今,相当数量的商业软件在 提供优秀而强大的功能的同时,软件的界面也是做得越来越漂亮,比如《超级解霸2000》中 的界面插件,使用过的人一定对其华丽的外观充满好感。作为一个编程爱好者,如果自己写 出的软件也拥有类似的界面,也许会吸引更多目光的注视。那么,我们现在
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使用OnIdle事件随时监视剪贴板内容以改变弹出菜单的可执行项。 在Form1的.h的private加上:void __fastcall OnIdle(TObject* Sender,bool& Done); 在Form1的.cpp内加上:void __fastcall TForm1::OnIdle(TObject* Sender,bool& Done){ bool Text
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  FMD STUDIO 之 VC++编程 之 技术篇 之 : 【回上一页】 编号 主  题 来 源 收录时间 5 多模板文档视图结构的应用 自撰 00.05.08 多模板文档视图结构的应用 一、概述 ①在一个MDI程序中,需要使用到不同类型的子窗口,而每种类型窗
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The Windows Programming Model
The Windows Programming Model Programs written for traditional operating environments use a procedural programming model in which programs execute from top to bottom in an orderly fashion. The path t
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