Here is a real-world example from the winnt.h, which is not possible to translate to a native enumerated type:// // Start Type // #define SERVICE_BOOT_START 0x
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3.4. Strings In C, as in Delphi, a string is an array of char types. Often, a string declaration is used in combination with a constant declaration specifying the maximum string length, as the follow
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1. Anatomy of a C Header Back to contents ## to do 2. Conversion Basics 2.1. Naming The naming in converted header files should follow Borland's style as far as possible. This mea
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2.3. #defines as constants C and C++ use #defines in several ways. In a C header file #define can be used for declaring a constant for declaring a symbol for conditional compilation for macro
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2.2. Unit dependencies C and C++ use #include to include header files in another header file or a source file. Delphi refers to units (in the USES clause) instead of header files. For example
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. Anatomy of a C Header Back to contents ## to do 2. Conversion Basics 2.1. Naming The naming in converted header files should follow Borland's style as far as possible. This means, keep the
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Api函数列表                    ——与文件相关 Api函数名 函数说明 适用范围 W3.x W95 NT mmioWr
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5. Conditionals ###ToDo Back to contents 6. Functions 6.1. Basics Let's use the following C-declaration as an example of declaring a function:WINADVAPI BOOL WINAPI Control
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unit Ugetcor; interface uses  SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,  Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons; type  Tgetcol = class(TForm) &nb
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现在,我有时间去关注软件盗版问题,我将描述一下我的注册方法,希望对你有所帮助。 几年以来,我有过许多的方案,有的简单,有的复杂,其目的都是为了防止软件的非法使用。这些方法包括两种:硬件方法和软件方法。硬件方法一般是使用并口设备(软件狗)或是不标准的软盘(加密盘)。但我还是喜欢软件的方法! 当然,有很多方法提供注册保护,例如购买第三方保护软件,但是我想尝试开发自己的方法,因为我想弄清楚这个问题。
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文档内容 越来越多的程序使用了多国语言切换,虽然DELPHI自带多语言包的添加和配置, 但是那种方法在切换语言时界面会出现闪烁,而且实现起来很麻烦,这里我介绍给大家的是利用INI文件来读取界面的语种文字, 用这种方法,不但简单易行,而且在切换的时候不会出现界面的闪烁。     我们从一个例子出发,看看怎么实现语言的切换。首先建立
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请问各位大侠,如何在DELPHI中调用WIN API函数,谢谢。
请问各位大侠,如何在DELPHI中调用WIN API函数,谢谢。                                          
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只拷贝BDE文件是不行的,还要写注册表:必需的注册表项目包括:1. BDE动态连接库文件位置设置Key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Borland\Database Engine"Item : "DLLPATH"Value : BDE动态连接库文件所在位置,如"C:\Program Files\Borland\Common Files\BD
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EnumDisplaySettings() 和ChangeDisplaySettings(), function DynamicResolution(X, Y: word): BOOL;var   lpDevMode: TDeviceMode;begin   Result := EnumDisplaySettings(nil, 0,
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优化delphi5.0秘籍大曝光 本文转帖至天极网程序方舟http://itdreamer.yesky.com/Delphi5.0是非常优秀的RAD开发工具,越来越多的人开始认识到这一点并转而使用它,但它也不是完美无缺的,实际上通过手工优化可以极大的提高它为我们工作的效率,我通过实践摸索出一些经验,借电脑报一角与大家分享:一:实现控件面板的平滑滚动:安装过许多控件的朋
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用Delphi编写VxD设备驱动程序 前言 用 Delphi 3.0 编写 VxD 设备驱动程序,在Delphi 3 下编译通过,Delphi 2 下没有测试,Delphi 4 建立的 Object 文件 M$ Linker 5.12.8181 不能识别,这里使用的汇编器是M$的Macro Assembler ver. 6.11d ,联结器是M$ Increment
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Conversion Tutorial Draft 4 27 JANUARY, 1998by Andreas Prucha Contents Anatomy of a C Header Conversion Basics Naming Unit dependencies #defines as constants Hexadecimal va
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  ASH - Automatic Syntax highlight (Attempt 2) [Please note: I have my Delphi Editor colors set-to the [Ocean] colour speed settings for testing purposes. This setting works well on the defaul
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Delphi的TRegistry注册表类方法详解 ●GetDataInfo方法Function GetDataInfo(const ValueName:String;Var Value:TRegDataInfo):Boolean;TregDataType=(rdunknown,rdstring,rdexpandstring,rdexpandstring,rdinte
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